The Journey Begins

“Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter“ - Izaak Walton

This is my very first time writing anything like this, so bare with me if it really sucks. I’m sure it will. i have come to learn that things only get better over time, so hopefully you will stick with me through this journey, even if there are still a few bumps along the way.

Hi! I'm Amber! I’m a mom of two who has always loved to create. At a very young age, I remember always being with my dad and helping him out with whatever it was he was working on. My dad was, and still is in my eyes, that person who could build anything and fix anything. My whole life, I remember thinking “I want to be just like my dad”

As I grew older, my Interest in building and creating didn’t go away, it only grew.


About three years ago, I stared a small home based business called Elk Island Rustics. I grow my business on Instagram and Facebook. It’s honestly amazing to me how many wonderful genuine people I have met through these social media platforms.

I started this business as one that did solely custom orders for furniture. It’s a great sense of pride knowing that others trust in me to create pieces that help to make their house a home. This definitely is still the main drive, but recently I have found myself doing a lot of room transformations in my own home and realize that I have always had a passion for interior design and home decorating.

There is just something about having the creative freedom to design beautiful spaces that Is so refreshing to me.

As time went on, I thought it was only fitting to start blogging about my DIY projects and share more of my design process with each of you. I would love to eventually share some DIY furniture plans as well so you can all build and create along side of me.

My goal of this page is to hopefully inspire others with my furniture builds and room transformations.

Having a small business and putting yourself out there on social media is sometimes difficult and is a scary thing. I used to be scared to share my process with others as I had thoughts of "what if I'm not doing it right?" "what if people say my way is stupid?"

I have learned over time that there is no right or wrong way to do anything. If it works for you, DO IT.

I am hoping that with this blog page, as you get to know me, you will learn that I am the type of person who has the mentality that its better to try do something yourself first rather than turn to someone else to accomplish the task for you.

The sense of pride you get from stepping back from a completed project and knowing you created that beautiful piece, or space is something that words can't really describe.

I want to inspire people to try new things. If i am even able to inspire just one person to try something they never thought they could do, then ill be happy.

One of my favourite quotes is " don't be afraid to be bad at something new." you will never know what your capable of if you don't try.

Looking forward to having you follow along with me



( i so desperately wanted to sign off with "gossip girl". LOL, I'm hoping some of you will get that reference)


DIY Plant Stands